Monday, September 24, 2012


So I know this doesn't have anything to do with beauty but I just wanna tell you guys a story to let my emotions out. I'm really sad right now because I lost my iPod Touch 4th Generation with 32 GB of memory. My aunt gave it to me because she bought an iPad and she felt bad that I have a not-so-updated very first iPhone (I'm sorry if I sound like a spoiled brat right now.) Anyways, when I got that iPod, I was very happy. I mean it wasn't an iPhone 4s, like what everybody nowadays has, but I was very contented with it. I believe like a week ago I updated my iPod to iOS 6 and I loved it even more. But just today, and this still makes me cry, I lost my iPod :(((((((

My family and I went to church around noon and afterwards we ate at El Pollo Loco. Usually we go home after we eat but today my mom needed to get some stuff at Target so the whole family went. Right when we got there I went straight to the makeup aisle. I was holding 3 items and I remembered I had to use the rest room really bad so I put down everything I was holding and went to the restroom. In the bathroom stall, theres a toilet paper dispenser and I remembered putting my iPod on top of it while I did my business. I left the restroom, met up with my family and we left the store. I didn't even bother getting the stuff I was holding because I didn't want my family to wait for me. We live a couple blocks away from Target and as my dad was parking on our driveway, I looked for my keys inside my purse. That is when I realized I lost my precious iPod and told my dad to drive back to Target quickly and I'll run to the bathroom. So we got to Target, my sister and I ran to the bathroom and NO IPOD. I asked Customer Service and they said nobody turned in an iPod.

When I got home, I sent myself a message on my Yahoo mail just in case it rings for notification. My boyfriend also sent messages and called my Viber account. My cousin messaged me on iMessage. I also messaged myself on Facebook but no reply.

I was crying so hard because I have my planner there, future appointments, pictures, memories, Facebook account...just everything I love and everything I use to function everyday. All I'm saying is that whoever found my iPod, may God bless her soul. I hope she really thinks of what I could be feeling right now, do the right thing to do, and return my iPod. If she decides to keep it, God bless her soul still.

*I'm so sorry about this. I just wanted to pour my heart out on something because I'm very upset. Thank you for reading anyway.

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